Media and Socials

Social media tips
All societies are are encouraged to use social media in order to engage with the students they oversee and to recruit new members.
Please keep your passwords and pass them on to your new committee members each year so the same account can continue to be used. If you have no committee members to had over too then please send your passwords in to the activities department and we will hold on to them for you. If you don't feel comfortable doing this then please delete the account.
If you tag @uosunion in your posts we will try our best to share them on your behalf
Online etiquette
When posting as a society, you are not posting as yourself but as a representative of the organisation. This is important to keep in mind because anything you post affects the SU. Please be mindful that anything you post can be viewed by anyone and if anything posted is deemed to be inappropriate then there will be repercussions in line with the union or university's policies.
Dignity and Respect Online?: The University of Suffolk has a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of bullying and harassment. This policy extends to bullying and harassment encountered through digital technology and expect staff and students to employ high standards of dignity and respect to others both online and in person.
GDPR:General Data Protection Regulation
New legislation came into effect in May 2018, so you need to be aware of how to use any data. It outlines how data can be stored and used, to give control back to citizens and residents over how their personal data is used. This means you are only allowed to use people’s data for the exact reason they gave it to you. For example, if people have signed up for your sport, you are only permitted to email them about your related activities. You can’t use their data to try to sell them things etc, as they have not consented to their data being used in this way.
You need to think about:
- Why are you collecting the data
- How are you collecting the data
- What the data will be used for
- How it will be stored and destroyed
Union website
Each society has their own section on our website. This is yours to edit and design as you wish. This is the first place new students will go to, to find out about your society so include as much information here as possible about what your societies aims are, when and where your society meets, contact details etc. You can also add events here (if you need a ticket adding to your event please email after you have created your event and we can do this for you).
Below is step by step guide on how you can edit your societies page.
Important notice when edtiting your organisation page: Always find and edit your page by searching for it and then accessing admin tools. NEVER edit it from anywhere else on the website. Otherwise this leads to the website template being edited and not your organisation.